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April 10, 2005
First off, I finally updated the Fanfic Archive, so check that shit out. Hopefully Droid will actually compress the amazing movie Buchhiet submitted as his fanfic this week, cause the world needs to see it. Trust me, I'll link it when it gets done.
In other news, I've so reserved Guild Wars. I can't wait to try the beta next weekend... I think it's going to rock my face. I'm sure I won't be disappointed, honestly, since I've talked to Dai-chan and she was in the beta and yeah. Heh heh. We're so going to create some terribly named guild. Maybe not "Citizens of Awesometown" badly named, but badly named indeed. And I'm going to get to heal, rez, and hardcore DoT with my current plan of Monk/Mesmer. Huzzah! ^_^ But anyway, I'm looking forward to it at the end of the month.
I downloaded Ben Folds' version of Get Your Hands Off Of My Woman, and I'm so insanely enjoying it. I mean, The Darkness, thank you for writing the song to begin with, but Ben Folds just 0wn3d j00 hardcore. Well, okay, he did the 0wning back when he recorded it a long time ago... but still!
So my mom bought me these leather sandals.. that was kinda annoying. I mean, I suppose they do fit fine and are decently comfortable and I shouldn't turn down something free, but come on! The reason I wear cheap sandals are 1) Easy to put on and 2) they're like $20 at most and 3) Because it's a stylistic choice to wear the cheap plastic sandals... if I'm going to wear dressy fancy sandals, I might as well wear my slip-on cheap girly shoes. And I probably will.
Long and short of what that last paragraph was trying to say: I want to have "style." When mom buys me stuff, she buys things devoid of the "style" I want to have. She wants me to look like everyone else. I want to look like me. I dunno, I wish she'd let me dress myself. And recognize what I said to her in October and use it to actually explain my actions instead of just taking them as personal attacks against her or "being antisocial" (which is like... seriously... one of the most bullshit claims ever...)
God fucking damn, I hate my printer. Why the fuck do I have to try to fix it when Jonathan fucked it up by putting too much paper in it... *sighs*
The end.
Posted by poetfox at April 10, 2005 10:13 PM
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