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April 04, 2005

Extreme Blogpost +1

So I was apparently first and last place in this week's fanfiction contest. Yeah, I don't get it either. In any case, I finally get to use my amazing judging criteria that I made up like forever ago. Whee! Yeah, I know I haven't updated the archive in awhile either, but that should happen sometime tonight, I'm sure, even if it's just a very small update.
This past weekend has been one badass one for me as far as WoW is concerned. I so gained a level a day with Arlressy. Her rest credit finally ran out on me this morning, so Sepia will probably be my focus for the rest of this week's weekdays. Holy shit, though, I set Sepia SO MUCH SILK! Her tailoring should hopefully go up by like 3 million points or something. I hope so. ^_^
I also beat God of War this weekend (On easy. Yes, I suck, deal with it.) The game is full of breasts and gore, but good gravy is it ever fun. I highly recommend it, especially if you A, like action/platformers, B, like breasts in video games, C, like gore in video games, or D, are sane. If you fit one of these critera and own a PS2, you should give God of War a go. Such is my extreme declaration of worth!
So I guess Draco and I's half-dating relationship is now a half-nondating relationship... that's okay, I suppose... I haven't gotten to really talk to him in forever and such! I certianly miss him... and being attached. I feel so randomly lonely sometimes lately! But eh, it's just me being stupid. Eh heh. ^_^
Okay, time to go to Fazoli's, eat and study for this Phonetics test from hell, then take said test, probably getting a mediocre grade, then come home and WoW it up. Later. ^_^
P.S., if anyone has an MP3 of Ready, Steady, Go! by L'arc En Ciel (I think that's how you spell it), I want... that's the themesong to Fullmetal Alchemist in the Amercian dub and second season of the Japanese version, by the way.

Posted by poetfox at April 4, 2005 02:48 PM


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