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April 19, 2005

Dorthy Mantooth is a SAINT!

So I tried to write a poem yesterday, and it turned out like shite. Which sucks, cause I actually had some good lines and good idea, and then I get to the paper and my pencil takes a shit all over it and then the ideas are gone... I was never much for heavy revision. Small revisions, sure, but not taking another angle at the same idea. Dunno why... that seems like it would be a pretty important skill to have as a writer or english major... but I'm a horrid english major anyway...
I should aquire the Excellent Game Psychonauts tommorow, so that's hardcore. Too bad I won't really have any time for WoW levelin' tonight... class to work all quick-like... but HOPEFULLY, since I'm starting at 8, I will get out of work at a sane hour. That would rock. Mostly because I need sleep. Stupid me and my notsleep. Blaaaaaaah.
Oh, my silly Night Elf Hunter that I'm playing with Essner so found Enchant Weapon - Minor Beastslaying yesterday. That's some phat cashhhhhhhhh... can you tell I'm tired?
I'm done with the post, I bet. Yeah...

Posted by poetfox at April 19, 2005 08:22 AM


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