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March 17, 2005
A week from today, I'll be 21. I'll also have a PSP. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ^_^
I had Droid order me a half a gig Memory Stick Pro Duo yesterday. That way I should be able to watch movies on the mofo. Droid and I discuss the whole formatting of said movies and stuff in detail yesterday... and I downloaded this Japanese program which supposedly changes things to PSP movie format. I let it convert one of Bucchiet's FullMetal episodes, and it changed it from 175 megs to about 50. This was on the lowest setting of course, with Mono sound and such, but it played on Quicktime player just fine and I didn't really notice anything bad about it. We'll see if all this works (And if I have a mini USB cable... I don't know if I do) when I finally get my PSP. If it does, though, I think this will actually give me a reason to download and watch fansubbed anime, believe it or not. If I can do it at work or on the road, I know I'll actually watch it, whereas if it's here on the computer, I know I won't. Also, kittens.
Arlressy is level 32, fairly close to 33. I really like my Shaman, although I'm forcing myself not to play her for a few days so she can get her rest credit back and such. But it's fun, and I have such a great Horde guild. They're all nice people. Jonathan is in the market for a guild, but I don't want to invite him because of the whole him pointing out the gender thing... cause... yeah. I've half explained it to some of the guildpeople, but I don't want it to get akward. Anyway, the bad forum that the people behind the guild are working on making better is here. I wish they'd go and let me be able to put up an avatar... mm...
Did you see that picture of Brent Spiner below? Because you definately should.
Posted by poetfox at March 17, 2005 09:06 AM
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