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March 20, 2005
The Secret Origins of SPANTS!
Narrator: In his Basement Abode, Justin Spaeth is working on something... amazing...
Justin Spaeth: For so long, I have been large. Largeness has always been something that I have been! But nobody realized that with that largeness came a large amount of gravity! As soon as I finish adjustments on these amazing pants, I should be able to access this gravity to benefit mankind!
Narrator: Suddenly...
Ian Spaeth: Justin, I've had enough of your shit! I'm off to find cracks using Internet Explorer!
Justin Spaeth: Oh no! If he does that, Spyware will completely consume my computer! I must act fast! But how... how can I save my precious computerbox! Perhaps... no, the pants are still in beta... but I have no choice...
Narrator: Justin dons his amazing techological pants and goes to confront Ian!
Justin Spaeth: Stop, Ian!
Ian Spaeth: You're too late! With one more click, I'll go straight to this cracks page! Your computer will die!
Narrator: Justin knows he doesn't have long! He activates his special pants, causing the mouse to fly out of Ian's hands!
Ian Spaeth: My plans! Ruined!
Justin Spaeth: Yes, I've stopped you... for now... but you'll be back... and I'm sure even more evil plans are afoot! I have to use these amazing pants to stop evil the world over! For no longer am I merely Justin Spaeth... I am SPANTS, GOD OF GRAVITY!
Posted by poetfox at March 20, 2005 10:51 PM
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