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March 06, 2005
Attempted Birthday Idea List
This isn't going well, but here are some things I thought of for my birthday so far. All of them are rare/coming out a day before my birthday... heh... I suck.
Rez for PS2 (US version): This is insanely rare... ebay prices are pretty damn high... heh... but holy shit, would it be awesome to have... this is like THE music game... I'm sad I never bought it.
Rez Soundtrack, "Gamer's Guide to...": You'd have to import it... it's on Play Asia, which, although I don't know much about importing, I have ordered from twice with no issues. (Once for Band Brothers, once for my Katamari Damacy Soundtrack.)
God of War for PS2: This comes out 2 days before my birthday, but seriously, holy shit. This game will rock everyone's face twice.
I Heart Huckabees on DVD: This movie was amazing. I completely and utterly enjoyed it, and I think it would be a shame if someone didn't own it, so I'd like to. Heh. ^_^
Technic Beat for PS2: The budget music game I still don't own... heh... but it will definately rock my world. Whee. ^_^
If I think of more, I'll update... or maybe I'll make a stupid giftlist page like I did for Chrissymas... But yeah, I suck.
(Last Updated March 7th)
Posted by poetfox at March 6, 2005 02:59 PM
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