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February 07, 2005

Written whilst browsing VCL...

Street Fighter Online is pretty damn cool. It seems to me like the gameplay is spot on. Makes me wish I had a gamepad (cause it's impossible to Hadouken with a keyboard. It just is.). And that I knew how to open ports on my router so I could play online, actually. Heh.
So, yeah, the parents didn't take my computer away this morning. I hope that's a good sign.
I've been playing lots of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. I stole it from Ian, who didn't deserve it as he didn't get anywhere in it. It's about what I expected it would be, which is a good thing. I'm sure I'll finish beating it down sometime this week. Heh. And after I beat that? I'm stealing Baiten Kaitos from Spaeth. He doesn't deserve that either. I wonder where I'm going to get in WoW time in all that, though... I would play it late at night, with my lovely, if I wouldn't get in trouble... *sigh...*
My parents said haircut by end of Feburary. I'm like... okay then. But I'm not going to get it cut short like they want me to. Professional but long is what I'm going for. And I'll look good, and they'll just have to like it.
Apparently Jessica Anderson (sen? I dunno offhand) are going to go shopping in St. Louis weekend after next. That sounds exciting. Well, I'd hope it would sound exciting because it was my idea, but anyway... I really like her. I really want to be closer friends with her. Not like... date her or anything (I've already got a boyfriend, thank you very much, who I need to get a Valentine's present for, and fast... miyah... what to get!) so don't get the wrong idea. It's just as much as I love my friends, I'd like to have someone close to girltalk with (You're completely wonderful, Rebecca, and I'm so glad you're my friend, but you must understand the need for someone who is actually there sometimes... I love yah, though. ^_^) and do that kinda stuff with. Like shopping! Shopping with the right people is hellafun, but I didn't have anyone to do it with. Until now. Rock on. But yeah, this is mostly to help remind me that sometime during Febuary 19, 20, and 21 I'm going to St. Louis with Jessie. So there. *blinks*
I believe Droid is picking up 3.14band.com for Pi at some point, which rocks my face. Essner and Spaeth wrote this wonderful song for the fanfiction contest yesterday, and it gives me hope for Pi's existance, even if I'm not all that involved. You can check out the lyrics under Essner's fic on the Fanfic archive and check out a preview of what Droid is making here.
Oh, and apparently I have an RSS feed.
And I'm out.

Posted by poetfox at February 7, 2005 08:20 AM


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