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February 16, 2005
SupraHeeroGaymuh. I wonder if Essner has my copy of Freedom Force...
So, um, yeah... I might have just pre-ordered Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich for reasons completely beyond me. Could it be because I am such a huge fan of the first game? No... I liked the first game. I especially liked that the first game existed. But I was no hardcore fan. I only got about halfway into it. Could it be because irrational games deserves money because they self made and published (all with their own out-of-pocket cash) what will surely be one of the greatest games of this year and by doing so paved a path for niche games and proclaimed triumpantly that you need not be mainstream to make tons of cash and please fans? Well, that's part of it, but I wouldn't say that's the reason behind it. Could it be because of the special bonus characters you get for ordering? Um, nah. Could it be because, since Cosmos is currently inoperational, I have nothing better to do? Probbably. Yep, that's probably it.
I need to stop spending money. I'm going shopping this weekend and I've totally broked myself! Real smart, Alex, real smart... I do get paid friday, so I will have money, but I mean, still. I have two things I think I'm going to buy at the mall. "Here Come the ABCs" by the Giants, and some new headphones, to prepare my MP3 player and DS for the aquisition of the ABC CD and Daigasso! Band Brothers. Other than that, any purchases are a mystery, although that's already a decent chunk out of my budget of money I'm bringing. Heh.
And, um, doom.
Posted by poetfox at February 16, 2005 05:40 PM
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