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February 11, 2005

PSP Purchasing Planning

So I hear that the PSP will be released on my birthday and will cost me 249 bucks. Huh. Now, here's the big question: Do I go and reserve it now and put some cash down on that mofo or do I hope my parents can handle the aquisition for my birthday? I don't trust my parents... this thing is going to have to be completely paid off in advance to secure me a copy, but perhaps I could simply ask for re-embursment from both parents and grandparents. This would net me close to the amount of money I would need, I would think, to cover the system. Then all I'd have to do is cover probably 50 bucks of the system and the cost of Luminines (The perfect puzzler for me... MUSIC GAME PUZZLER!) and Metal Gear Ac!d (CARD GAME STRATEGY! I'm so fucking there.), with future purchases of Dynasty Warriors and Darkstalker Chronicle not unlikely (but certianly not at launch.).
But yeah, I'm going to have to discuss this with my parentals. I dunno what they'll think about the discussion, though. They're still kinda pissy. But dammit, I'm a mainly portable gamer, and I will have a PSP on launch day! With or without their help. Plus, I apparently get a UMD version of Spiderman 2 for free if I'm an early adopter. The movie wasn't bad at all, and it certianly couldn't hurt to own. Heh.
Later on in the PSP lifepan I'm probably going to have to invest in a huge Memory Stick, too, but that's for later. The value pack will come with a 32 meg one, which is more than enough for the gaming side of things so I will be happy.
But yeah, PSP. Gotta make sure that happens. At least the DS will finally start paying off before then, with Wario Ware Touched! next tuesday in my paws and my imported Band Brothers some time near the next of the week or week after next...
Oh yeah, Valentine's Present. Still need to get that. Chaaa...
Edit: It's reserved. Eh heh. I'm also broke now. But not broke enough not to get Draco a present... but I don't know what to get still... miyah...

Posted by poetfox at February 11, 2005 09:59 AM


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