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February 26, 2005
Michael Bolton says: No Smoking
So I don't forget about it, Check that shit out.
I don't have much of anything interesting to say. I ran through the explanation of the Shaman King card game because I feel inclined to investigate CCGs, but it was nothing at all that wonderful. The "Card within a card" thing with the shamans is kinda cool, but makes me wonder what happens if you get them in packs? Or can you? Cause it would be pretty obvious if you got one in a pack, cause it would be a decent bit thicker. I have no idea how that's going to work... in any case, it is in no danger of overthrowing Magic in my heart nor in the world's heart. only big fans of the series will have anything to say about it, and while I enjoy reading the manga, I'm not obsessed or anything. In fact, although I haven't see the dubbed anime on the Fox Box or whatever the fuck it's called, I'm sure they fucked it up hardcore. Heh.
I wonder why the wonderfalls... or something... I also wonder if my characters are going to have the cash for mounts when the time comes. I'm also sad I can't get a little puppy pet. Words? I'm going to bed, gotta get orientated tommorow.
Posted by poetfox at February 26, 2005 11:28 PM
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