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February 15, 2005
I suck alot at HTML. Seriously, I'm suprised the Blogfest actually works at all...
I am completely and utterly HTML and such inept. I know this now. I am completely retarted when it comes to such things. Completely and utterly.
I actually worked on poetfox.com tonight, and gods, the whole thing turned out horridly. I couldn't even get a simple stupid image to display! I mean, I had the image tag there, the right one, and it wouldn't display! Not to mention I couldn't get the archive, which is obviously important, to like... display. At all. Gods, I suck.
Here are the things poetfox.com needs to do.
1) It needs to display today's installment on the main page, with the ability to login to your account and comment on it.
2) It needs to have an archive that sorts by Category and displays entires with only the comment link at the bottom of each one there in reverse chronological order so that one can read the archive in a way that doesn't drive one insane.
3) It needs to be easily updated, so that I will update it every weekday, as per the plan.
That doesn't sound too hard, does it? But, of course, I suck so bad, it will never, ever happen under my power... *sighs*
Buchhiet just showed me this. That's very nice. I'm seriously going to use it, I want to make sure I remember these!
But seriously, it saddens me I suck so bad at figuring out pMachine. I wish I could seduce someone into setting this up for me, but the only person that would know how is Droid, and he's already done so much website shit for me, is hosting for me, and is genuinely busy and having a life that I refuse to beg to him out of respect. Eh, I dunno what the fuck I'm going to do about it. Poetfox.com is a project I seriously want to do, but it needs to get set up, obviously, which, as I've said about 30 times so far, I suck at hardcore-style.
Posted by poetfox at February 15, 2005 09:30 PM
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