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February 23, 2005
Employment! Times 2!
Awww. Band Brothers isn't here yet. I know it takes forever to get things mailed from overseas, but I'm still sad.
So yeah, I'm employed... again. Whoo! Two times the jobs! It's like... double the jobtacularness! Kohls hired me, in any case. I'm going to switch out their ads and posters and such in the nighttime, or so they tell me. I have some sort of orientation on Sunday, I suppose I'll know more then. But still, huzzah! Don't have to worry about that anymore. Now I should be able to move out this summa! Jonathan says he wants to move out with me... that, on one hand, is a bit weird, but on the other is perfectly fine with me and solves the issue of who gets what gaming system. Heh. If he wants to and can get adequate money flow, then so be it! I'm down with it. Yup.
So Sepia has gained like... 4 levels since last sunday. Hot damn, rest credit r0x0rz! I finally used it all up, so I'm like... not going to touch her until the weekend at the earliest, so that she'll have all that rest credity goodness back. ^_^ I need to start playing Noa some solo now, since she has gone the longest without any playtime, so I need to use her sexy rest credit. Seriously, it was one of the best ideas that Blizzard had for WoW. ^_^ Let's quasihardcore player like me still accomplish alot of levelbuilding!
But yeah, no Band Brothers yet, I got a job, I play alot of WoW. That's the summary of this blog post. The end.
Posted by poetfox at February 23, 2005 01:06 PM
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