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February 03, 2005

3...2...1... Contact! It's the answer! It's the... something...

So yeah, Wonderfalls rocks my fucking face to high heaven. That sentence barely makes sense at all, but I think it's appropriate. Fuck yeah, bitches.
But seriously, it's normally Spaeth or Essner buying these series on DVD... I'm fairly proud it was me that procured the Wonderfalls. ^_^ The whole series is so great! Someone should shoot Fox in the head a couple of times for cancelling it. Oh yes.
My mom somehow killed my mouse... I'm going to buy a USB one right now! Well, after I get ready.
Betrayers apparently comes out tommorow, too! Just in time for paydays! Essner's new job will be paying out, and I'm getting paid... whoo! I wonder if we'll try to minidraft... that'll be nice...
Oh, and Draco is seriously very sweet... I... really appreciate his talk last night. It made me feel better about a buncha things. ^_^ I wonder what I should get him for Valentine's...
But yeah, goodbye.

Posted by poetfox at February 3, 2005 02:02 PM


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