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January 06, 2005

WoW! An update! (I shouldn't try to be witty)

I made another character. This is very unlike me. I usually make one and stick with it! I already had two! But the game is so fun, I found myself wanted to try out another class... and wanting to make an undead... and then I thought of the perfect name for a zombie: Sepia. Thus, Sepia, the undead female Tailor-Mage was born. We'll see how far I'd level her, although I'd like to level her up enough to be able to make hardcore bags for Draco-kun and I... and maybe a tux... and a wedding dress? That could be stupidfun. Heh. I already added her into my mental image of my commisson, too, just because I really like her alot (Probably because I like the name alot. I mean, alot. Maybe I should add it to my list of pre-approved names... Arlressy, Noa, Alex/Alexis... Sepia. It's just a pretty gothesque name. I like.). Mage is an okay class, it's fun dealing damage, although I miss not being able to heal and buff, but it's all good. And the tailoring is fun... what, did you think I was going to herbalize with a THIRD character? ^_^ I took skinning as my second profession because some recepies in my tailoring need leather, and it'll be a nice source of income. I was going to do enchanting, but I decided that would make me completely broke and I would never get anywhere in it. Heh. But anyway, I should do that commish... or at least ask Mama how much it would cost... I'm asking her to draw a bunch of characters and I can't blame her if she charges me more... heh...
So I pre-ordered the Exploding Dog book yesterday... he's going to sign it, apparently, since I did! It's got all of his favorites from all five years that he's been doing this, all in nice wonderful prints. I got Amazing Rain, his latest picturebook, with it cause he had a deal and I wanted it. So that's 50 bucks gone! Whoo! I'm going to enjoy it when it gets here in Feburary, though.
Draco-kun asked me to write him e-mails everyday... so far... I haven't written any. I'm quite a loser. I did send him an e-mail with my phone, though, but that's only 200 characters and that doesn't count. I'm just so distracted with World of Warcraft and then I get ganked away by my friends... I don't have boredom time to do it except at work, and I can't access my e-mail there, cause it's all POP3y. I'll have to do it, though... I don't want to disappoint him...
I have no idea how to put spells in Macros. I was trying to set up some totem macros and they wouldn't work. Any ideas?
Why did I ask that on here?
My wrist hurts. Bye!

Posted by poetfox at January 6, 2005 02:43 PM


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