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January 17, 2005
This Blog Entry Brought To You In MIND VISION!!!!!
So Jonathan and I went on a hardcore 2 person raid of the Deadmines today. That was pretty hardcore. ^_^ I should have taken a screenshot to show, but I didn't. Wonder if Jonathan did...
He didn't either. Oh well. In any case, we fought two insane bosses and had the most incredible time. I have never been so caught up in a game. I've never felt like I accomplished something big before when I beat something like that. It rocked. ^_^ We didn't take on the last boss, because we barely beat the second one... BARELY! We're going to do the whole raid again later and take VanCleef down like the bitch he is. ^_^ He won't escape us this time! And this time I'll try to take a screeny of that Thresher, cause that was pretty badass.
So yeah, we did the LAN party yesterday... it was fun... but mostly just me playing WoW in a different person's house. Heh... but oh well, I think everyone enjoyed themselves, and if someone wanted to play something else with me, all they had to do was ask, so it's not my fault. ^_^ Heh.
Almost odd that the two Betrayers of Kamigawa preview cards I'm most pumped about are the uncommon and the common. Heh. Then again, they're both white, so that could be why. But Tallowisp was made for me, and Hundred-Talon Strike is just so wonderful a utility card with a nice little alternate splice cost. It's pretty. I'm going to enjoy it.
I'm also happy that Y? is posting everyday now. I want to know more about the characters... they're very realistic and I love it.
School starts again tommorow... I don't know what to think about it... I'm nervous...ish... I dunno. I want to do the right thing, but what I feel is the right thing and what I think is the right thing are so fucking different... and then when I do what I feel is the right thing I feel like it's the wrong thing at the same time.
Oh, the Fanfic Contest Archives are up, I don't think I've ever posted that offically. Look up top. Slowly posting more... heh... and tonight or tommorow or something, some Head Wizard Fanfiction will be up, so yay. I don't completely hate mine this time. In face, I'm fairly interested to see a reaction.
Aaaaaaand... um... yeah.
Posted by poetfox at January 17, 2005 09:04 PM
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