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January 31, 2005
Renewed Rage (I'm apparently not really back)
So my parents took my computer stuff... AGAIN! I am quite certianly pissed. They could have at least told me before hand! I mean, seriously! Don't you do that kinda stuff before you punish someone? Fuck. It just makes me mad because I moved the computer into the other room so that they would be confident that I was going to bed on time so they wouldn't have to pull this shit, but obviously that's not enough for them. Do they think I won't get on the internet, cause that's just stupid on their part if they do... all they're doing is keeping me away from gaming and Draco-kun, and that makes me mad... how in the fuck could that hurt, especially if, as I promised them I would do but they don't seem to care, I finished ANY AND ALL homework I had to do in front of them before getting on. And plus, how the fuck do they expect me to write papers and shit without my computer?
I'm mad. But I'll deal. I'll take a deep breath and deal, because I don't want to fight with them anymore. But god fucking damn, it's my computer for crying out loud! *sighs*
Posted by poetfox at January 31, 2005 07:44 AM
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