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January 20, 2005
Here's my current status.
Wow, the new preview card is quite amazing. ^_^
So yeah, I'm having some seriously issues at home at the moment. Fights and what not. It's honestly all my fault, and I deserve every bit of it. It's going to be interesting seeing how it all pans out. Mom wants to move my computer downstairs and not let me have internet. If nothing else, she's hid the power cord (although I don't know how well. I was able to locate alot of the stuff she took yesterday with ease this morning. I didn't take it back or anything, I don't want that fight, but knowing where is it is knowledge I want to have... most of it is stuff I paid for, after all.). So I'm internetless and World of Warcraftless for awhile. The thing that makes me really mad is that Jonathan is getting the same treatment for something I did, though... he can't play World of Warcraft either. It's bullshit. He says he doesn't mind, and that he needs to focus on his studies as well, and that's probably true... as well as he's going to soon be busy with the musical... but it just seems so stupid that he's getting punished.
The part I seriously hate the most, though (and if my parents read this, I'm sure they'll disagree) is that I disappointed my parents. I want to be adult. I want to be grown up and deal with my mistakes and problems myself, but in the end, I didn't do that very well. I should have asked for their advice from the start, I suppose. They're intellegent people, in their own way, and they do love me. They would have helped. But eh, so it goes, I suppose. What's done is done and I just have to live with it and move on.
Draco-kun, I hope you check this out and read this. Obviously there isn't much information in here, but I'll attempt to write you an e-mail at some point explaining at length. Of course, since my e-mail can only be accessed from the two computers that no longer have internet that might be a problem (and not to mention I know at least one class this semseter is going to require weekly e-mailed journal entries...) but we'll see what happens. Jonathan seems confident that in a week or so everything will be back to normal. I sorta hope he's right. On the other hand, I hope he's not completely right. I want to have my internet and this and that again, of course, but right now, I'm so fucking motivated! And I want that to continue. Motivation is good. I'm even going to talk to the Capaha Arrow today, see what I can do for them, see if they need me to write anything for them (which will also probably have to be delievered by e-mail. Oh, the irony.). I'm also going to try to get a second job because I want to. I want the money. It'll help me be more independent. My current schedule says something that works early in the morning would be best. I suppose I could see if any of the major retail outlets need stockers. I dunno. Anyway, I'm going to get at it.
But yes, I'll try to keep up with the blog in the library like I am now, but new fanfic entires and new magic cards and stuff of that nature might not be updated from quite some time.
The end.
Posted by poetfox at January 20, 2005 10:24 AM
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