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January 24, 2005
Gonna Find Me Some Afternoon Delight
Spoiler is up for Betrayers! There are only 4 foxes, plus the fox patron for me to have to collect on MTGO. I don't know if any of them will make my foxie deck better, though... certianly I'm going to try out switching the Kitsune Healers for these new Kitsune Palliators, since they look to be so my kind of card and might be generally more effective and cost one less. We'll have to see, though, since the Healers protect 8.5 tails so very well... also, Opal-Eye is the wall legend I have been dreaming about. Seriously! But I don't know if he'll fit in the deck... it needs to, in general, be more agressive... I suppose I could try a build that basically counted on Test of Endurance for the win, but eh... anyway, I am excited about all the cool cards, though. I can't wait to play with them. I need to order a draft box...
I'm still not back to normal around here... I miss gaming alot. It's almost kind of sad, but I'm a gamer. It's what I do. And I'm cut off from it... I've got my DS, still, but there's no good new games for me to aquire, so it all seems empty. I stole Breath of Fire from Spaeth, but I don't know if it'll keep my interest at all... I was a bigger fan of Breath of Fire 2, and this opening sequence hasn't really gripped me. But we'll see what happens... but yeah, hopefully sometime this week I'll get my poor compy back... and then this weekend or so, I'll be aquiring Wonder Falls of DVD. Yummy.
Posted by poetfox at January 24, 2005 07:54 AM
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