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December 31, 2004
I am the ultimate in loser, because I am currently installing YuGiOh! Online. Heh. Gods, seriously, how sad can I be? Apparently very sad indeed.
I've been missing Draco-kun alot lately... it's all... unfortunate... I hope he understands... cause I think I'm now going to be going over to Spaeth's house tonight instead of not doing anything... so I'll be gone at least until the new year... yeah...
So World of Warcraft got Penny Arcade's Best Game of the Year recommendation. That's pretty spiffy. It is a damn fine game, one I'm glad I decided to adopt and one I hope I continue to play for quite some time. I've just installed the addon UI of Cosmos to the game, so hopefully the extra bars of abilities and such will make the game even better. All I know it, it apparently lets me play silly games in game like a mad fiend. Mini-games! Hardcore!
Even when I'm being offensive with my Priest, it still feels like a Priest and still feels like my style, so I'm quite happy with her. My Shaman I think will get better once I get the water totem and starts focusing a bit more on support. Right now I'm just like... a beatdown machine, but at least it isn't pissing me off. ^_^ Heh... We'll see what happens.
Also, crafting rocks my face. It was such a chore in XI, but I'm enjoying Alchemy in there! I make all these buff potions... they cost me like nothing so I always have them up... they're so spiffy! I have a Weak Troll's Blood one that lets me regen life faster, and a minor armor one that gives me just a touch more defense, which is always good. It's so much fun, I swear! And now that I've found the auction house, my equipment is slowly getting pimped out. Heh.
In any case, the fun factor is so much more high in World of Warcraft that it rocks my face. Normally I've judged such games on how easily I can find a base of people to talk to, because all you do most of the time in those games is talk while you're waiting through all the tons of downtime. That downtime doesn't exist in World of Warcraft, and I'm having a ball just beating the everloving crap out of things. I just hope Jonathan and Draco always stay around my level for both my characters, so I can keep teaming up with them, because that's fun too. Also, I want the Light Armor Kits they make. Those are pimptight.
So the new year is almost upon us... I dunno what to say... I made my new years resolution, and I hope I try to keep it. I also hope my life starts to go somewhere in the new year, instead of just being more of the same... I assume that if I keep my new year's resolution, that won't be a problem, but you never know. ^_^
But yeah, I think I'm going to chill with Spaeth until the new year, so yeah. Heh. I hope you all have fun whatever you decide to do, and let all aquatience be forgot or whatever the fuck that song is. ^_^ I'll see you on the flip side!
Posted by poetfox at December 31, 2004 06:33 PM
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