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December 22, 2004
Walkin' in a Bloggin' Wonderland...
Well, I'm snowed in... and you know what that means: Time to take advanted of notix MTGO drafting! Whoo!
I think I'm going to play a Kamigawa League with Tol, too, so that'll be lots of new cards... heh.. go team, I suppose. I just hope I pull some moneyrares or really go Prismatic rares... another Kokusho or Melkou would be nice, or maybe a Heartbeat of Spring... then I could compete with everyone else, because everyone else apparently has no less than a playset of Mirari's Wake. Everyone. *blinks*
BAH! Notix drafting doesn't start until tommorow! Fuckers.
I really would have liked to go to work today... the additional 8 hours of pay would have been nice. As it stands, though, I suppose I'll just be happy with earning my normal paycheck outta this two weeks. Oh, probably a good thing that I didn't buy drafting cards because my paycheck hasn't appeared in my account yet. Heh.
Draco was all... something last night. I hope he's doing okay today... I was fairly worried... luckily, I was also very very drowsy, so I feel asleep instead of worrying... but yeah... I hope he has a good day.
Task List for Today: Clean Up Room, Finish Grandma's Present, or at least almost finish the preparations, Have Chrissymas Murder Mystery Dinner, and enjoy it like a mothafucka (Which, I swear, will happen. No way the roads could still be crap in 11 or so hours... the city has to do something... it's still prettily snowing, but it can't be that bad! ^_^ (Optimism! That's the key!))
Posted by poetfox at December 22, 2004 08:42 AM
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