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December 01, 2004
Stupid Magic Thoughts (Must! Find! Combo!)
I feel like some sort of Mad Scientist lately, obsessed. It's really frustrating me. I stare at Nature's Will... Soulblast... the whole Kamigawa set, really... and I say to myself "There has to be one hardcore good combo deck in here, excluding hardcore ZuberaHonden decks!" I can't find it, though. I try over and over to think of good decks with Nature's Will to no avail. I stare at the creatures available to me and try to figure out a way to have 20 points of attack power on the board turn six for Soulblast, and I don't see it. The Soulblast deck is barely even a combo, really, I just want to do it (And I own 3 online). Maybe with 4 Lava Spike, 4 Glacial Ray, and 4... something else arcane... well, if I made it redgreen Kodama's Reach, maybe...? bah! I don't know... Well... the Soulblast wants 4 Ember-fist Zubera... cause if I have multiples out when I cast Soulblast, that'll be even more damage for free... does it want Honden of Infinite Rage? Probably not, too slow... It probably wants Barbed Lighting, though, that's a good "hit the head" spell that's standard... hm..
Bah, I'm going to think it all out here and not get to work... too... obsessed...
Posted by poetfox at December 1, 2004 08:41 AM
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