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December 15, 2004
So put away the hash pipe, the pornography and the booze, cause tonight we're going to the Anaheim House of Blues!
So yesterday had a combination of sucking and not sucking. I wanted to do some Chrissymas shopping, but that was stopped by fighting with Natalie and all kinds of crepe... yeah...
Riku Replay Mode isn't nearly as fufilling as the original game, but I'm blazing through it, so I'm going to beat it, then it's back to Final Fantasy 1. ^_^ Gotta change class, baby! Oh yeah. Plus there isn't anything good coming out for DS or GBA until... the end of January. I'm going to need all the gameplay I can.
There was definately a bit of lag when playing Warcraft III on my wireless network yesterday (Essner and I played some Tower Defense stuff... we took turns sucking hardcore.). It didn't ruin the game, but it got annoying... it makes me worry a bit about Jonathan and I both being able to play World of Warcraft at the same time. The game should be able to run on only 56k of connection decently, so splitting our cable connection between the two compies should work, but yeah... hopefully it won't be a problem...
I've so got to buy the strategy guide soon... wanna read everything about the game!
Stupid ebay auction got bid on moments before it was done. Gay. Can't say what it was for, cause it's a gift, but that sucks. 6 days it sat without a bid! 6 days! I outbid the other guy... here's to hoping he doesn't bid again.
Oh, and I made an early New Year's Resolution... HRT by the end of next year... that'll mean alot of big shite going down next year... I'm going to need to get a better paying job, for one... but Rebecca was right, no more procrastination. I'm doing this shite.
And yeah, gotta go to work...
Posted by poetfox at December 15, 2004 08:27 AM
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