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December 03, 2004

Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm dead and colorblind.

Every time I think of World of Warcraft, I get giddy inside, because I know now I'm going to put some serious time into it and enjoy it. Supposedly Blizzard is having some really messed up server problems, but, well, they got until Chrissymas to fix it before the next big rush of people getting it for Chrissymas, like me, get their happy paws on their copies. I'm confident they can pull it off, they are Blizzard, for crying out loud. I know World of Warcraft isn't the beallendall of MMOs... someday someone will come out with the perfect one, and then I will probably never leave my house. But it sounds like this game has stopped the levelgrind that pissed me off so bad in FFXI. The only reason I played that long was because of the good friends I had in there... and when they stopped showing up as often and I got X-2, well, that kicked me off. There will be less annoying levelgrind in this! Even if I get quests like "Hey, go kill a million and a half guys." I will at least be rewarded for it and have a goal. Levelbuilding isn't my thing. I need focus. WoW will give that to me, I hope. And I get to play with Draco! *does a little happy dance*
I think we might play some Diablo 2 to tide us over to Chrissymas... I'm sorta hoping anyway, I quasidropped the idea yesterday. If he doesn't want to, of course, that's fine, but it might be fun to do my "Wake of Fire" Assassin again. ^_^ I'll have to dig up my CD keys, though... I have no fucking idea where those are...
But yeah, um, I tried making a normal Prismatic deck today... Prismatic deckbuilding sucks balls. There's so much to worry about. But playing Prismatic is oh so fun! I'll have to give it a few more test runs before I see how the deck came out, since the one game I played the guy went afk for 15 minutes so I closed the program.
I splurged on FF1 and 2 as well. So I'm having some fun with that, although I miss the simple things in games, like it telling you what you need to do. I know there are quests and a plot in FF1, but hell if I can find them without looking at my brother's Origins strategy guide.
Chrissymas Gift Checklist: Jonathan, Check. Droid, Check. Spaeth, Check. Grandma, Check. Grandpa, Nocheck, Mom, Nocheck, Dad, Nocheck, Draco-kun, Nocheck, Natalie, Dunnowhattodoabouther, Chrissymas cards for internet friends, Nocheck.

Posted by poetfox at December 3, 2004 11:32 AM


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