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December 24, 2004
Raredraftin' till Kurisumasu!
(This is sorta a play by play of my drafing here... so... yeah)
Holy shit, the track controls on my keyboard actually work. Holy fucking crap.
Hey, I just raredrafted my last of a playset of Swirl the Mists. I so need to make my colorchanging deck...
But I'm certianly not drafting any creatures. Good lord, my deck is going to fall flat on it's face... and I haven't even got any amazing rares, besides Keiga the Tide Star and Kodama of the South holy shit I just got passed a Time Stop. Well, that paid for the draft right there, I bet. ^_^
Okay, it's only selling for 3ish, but still, that's a money rare right there.
Okay, done drafting... apparently I DID have some creatures somewhere, althought I certianly didn't think so when I was drafting... this deck is going to try to Sensei's divining top and stall for Keiga, with Iname, Death Aspect in there for another minor bomb... I can even play Keiga with Through the Breach, hopefully getting 5 damage through and stealing a creature. Fun. We'll see if it's worth shit...
Holy shit, that worked well!!!! Let's see next game...
Yep, died. ^_^ Oh well, it was all in good fun, I suppose. Would have liked to have won 2 packs, though, been awhile since I hadn't.
Um, I have a feeling I'll write something tommorow, but if I don't, Merry Chrissymas anyway. ^_^ Enjoy yourselves.
Posted by poetfox at December 24, 2004 07:14 PM
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