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December 16, 2004
Mom is apparently thinking about getting Jonathan a cell phone for his birthday. That strikes me as odd, as Jonathan has stated he neither wants nor needs a cell phone, but, um, okay. Thing is, they're talking about giving me the new phone, after switching my number to it, and giving Jonathan my old one. So I'd be in the market for a new cell phone. Jonathan is all like "You should get one of those chatting ones." and he's right, it would be nice to have my AIM with me everywhere. ^_^ But the thing is, that would cost an extra bit for the unlimited data thing... and if I was doing that...
Why not an N-Gage QD? I mean, besides that being kinda sad. But if I had a QD, I could play the most intellgent design to ever grace a portable, one that plays exactly to it's strenghts to undo it's weaknesses... Pocket Kingdoms: 0wn the w0rld. If this game was on PC, I'd be playing it all the fucking time! And it would be quite hardcore to play on a phone, too... plus, the QD does stuff like play MP3s and will probably have chat capabilities, I'm sure. It's definately a cell phone.
But I'm sure I'm just dreaming on the whole N-Gage thing... I doubt it would be worth the money, even if Pocket Kingdoms would rock my world... although I hear that one wargame is really damn good and uses the same kind of intellegence in design... Pathway to Glory! That's what it's called. Anyway... that was nice and random, time to talk to lovely!
Edit: God dammit, how I can be so entraced by this thing? I suppose it's because I'm not thinking of it as a gaming system... because a serious gaming platform the N-Gage is not. No, it is a cell phone with more than normal gaming capabilities... and Pocket Kingdoms... gods, I wanna play! I'll never 0wn the w0rld, but I'll put my own silly stamp on it whenever I've got a few seconds and I'm bored... but I don't even know if I can get one from Verizon... and if I could get one from not Verizon, if they could set it up... and get the special data package it needs... and how I would work out said data package with my parents, because without it I wouldn't want an N-Gage, but I was supposed to chip in for my current cell phone plan and they never ask me for money and I never give them any because of it... I'm not wanting to be an ass about it, but they're paying the same as they were, they just added me on... or something similar, anyway... miyah.
Eh, I'll just be happy with a cooler phone, I suppose... I'm sure I'd have to go through millions of hours of headache to actually get an N-Gage up and running anyway...
But damn, that would be cool... maybe I should try to stock some money, for if and when the time comes...
Bleh. Anyway, off to bed. Night.
EditEdit: Apparently the N-Gage isn't supported by Verizon at all. Well, that certianly sucks balls. Kill that plan dead.
Posted by poetfox at December 16, 2004 11:03 PM
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