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December 27, 2004
Hey, I made a potion for breathing underwater!
Quick notes, as far as site updates go, there's, um, a new link. To a really interesting comic that I found on VCL that has an actual website. It's this comic. I wish I could write stories like that, where it's just all character development but in a good way. I probably could, if I'd ever write and if I'd EVER GET POETFOX.COM WORKING! Damn me. Also, my World of Warcraft info is down there, so if you get the game and randomly want to play with me, I'm on server Draenor and there you go.
So Chrissymas has come and gone and I'm sitting here at work again blogging. Crazy, isn't it? It was certianly one of the better Chrissymases in recent memory... EVERYONE got what they liked, suprise or no. It was sweet, let me tell you. And now, Draco and I are playing World of Warcraft together and hot damn, it's rocking my world! ^_^ The game itself is alot of fun, a mix of what good there was in City of Heroes with pieces of other MMOs thrown in for a good mix (Jonathan says there is alot of Everquest influence, but of course I don't know about that.). The game is really nicely centered so that you can sit down for an hour and more than likely accomplish something, then stop. Or, if you want, you can play for forever with a huge group and raid a dungeon. Either way. The fact that I can solo things with my Priest that are of a decent level so as to give me decent experience is amazing. I mean, you can't get less damagedealing than Priest, and yet, I can handle most things, as long as I don't get swarmed. I can play by myself, or in a two person duo with Jonathan or Draco, and the game works perfectly fine that way. And I bet if I got in a large party, it would work perfectly fine that way, too. It's not the be all end all of MMORPGs, but it's hella fun.
I also got lots of other neat stuff. But what pisses me off the most is Taiko Drum Master. Jonathan got it for me as a suprise, and it was a wonderful suprise! I would love to play it! But it's a blue bottomed disk, and our half broken PS2 won't do it. I'm mad. I'm going to buy a new PS2, probably one of those PStwos once they actually get in stock and out of crazy demand... but yeah, it's just a bit annoying... I wanna drum!
All in all, though, Chrissymas rocked my face. New Year's Probably won't be as eventful, with me just playing WoW or something, but hey, it's all good.
My wrist hurts because this keyboard is in a crappy setup. I'm going back to cleaning now.
Posted by poetfox at December 27, 2004 01:24 PM
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