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December 12, 2004
Don't do anything craaaazy... like deficate in your pants cause you're laaaazy...
Welcome to Sunday! What's up?
So yeah, due to some interesting Grandmother decisions, I bought Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories on Wednesday... it's so kickass! Since I made a mostly attack card deck, it plays like... exactly the same as the Kingdom Hearts on PS2... the music is amazing, the cutscenes are amazing... it's just a really fun game. And the plot is actually pretty interesting without screwing up anything for the next game. Cool! I can't wait to beat it so I can play through it again as Riku... heh... more plot, baby!
I also built what is basically that Enchantress' Unite! Deck I built on here awhile back on MTGO the other day... awhile back I picked up a playset of Verduran Enchantresses online for like... a tic in the auction room, so I'm all like "Wait, I should make the deck on here!" I've been playing with it all day in the casual room and I can count my losses on one hand. The card advantage it creates just powers me through to drawing a Mythic Proportions and throwing it on a Yavamaya Enchantress for the win. It's hardcore! I love it. ^_^ Lots of fun to play. And the Whip Silk trick works so wonderfully... Heehee... And with Kamigawa, Cage of Hands can pull the same trick in a pinch. I think I should replace the Taunting Elves with Defiant Elves, though... as much as I love pumping up Taunting Elf, I think the Defiant ones will work better. However, I only have 2 Defiants and a playset of Tauntings, so...
I'm also sad that there will be no new Magic articles for the next two weeks. Only Reruns. Awww. But the writers deserve a break, so go team.
Gift-buying Checklist: (X)Jonathan, (half X) Grandma, ( )Grandpa, (X)Droid, (X)Spaeth, (half X)Dad, ( )Mom, (half X)Draco-kun, (I Dunno what to do)Natalie.
Posted by poetfox at December 12, 2004 03:16 PM
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