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December 11, 2004
What to do, what to do... I'm currently Downloading Almanac, TMBG's new live album from their last tour... heh... none of the St. Louis tracks got put on the "best of," but I'm sure this'll be hardcore. Plus, the entire 10 dollars I spent will go straight to John, John, and all the people who make TMBG's music so kickass! Cuttin' out the middle man! Plus, I get the silly Venue Songs free album, which has the stupid song they made up for every single place they played on the Spine Hits the Road tour... I've already got the Mississippi Nights Theme, but they, there are a million others on there, and it was free. ^_^ GO GIANTS! If you want copies, let me know. Burn burn burn! ^_^
So Bucchiet blew two of his tires last night... that sorta sucked for him... hope he isn't set back so much money having to replace them that he can't put in for Droid's birthday present... heh...
Whoo, I'm back with Burger King! Hey, this window is still open! Craaaazy. ^_^
Well, this was pretty pointless. ROCK ON!
Posted by poetfox at December 11, 2004 01:47 PM
..I have trouble convincing my friends that Burger King is indeed a tasty place to eat.
(Just checking in)
Posted by: Togi at December 15, 2004 11:18 AM
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