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December 08, 2004

Another Random Thought

If I were to attempt to make the tourney scene (Which I'm not... costs too much, and I'm not good enough on a play scale... I play good magic, but good funmagic... tournament level magic tends to have to think about so much more shite with every play!) I'd want to play some sort of Extration deck or perhaps a White Weenie concoction... I'd actually have most of the White Wennie stuff... Essner has a Wrath, I have an oldschool Wrath, Spaeth has a Wrath... I'd only need to buy one more... We have at least two Isamarus... I'd probably need to get some Savanna Lions, but I suppose that could be arranged... hmm... maybe I should think about this a bit more... only problem would be I'd want to practice on MTGO, and it would cost me a fortune... 84esque dollars or so to get a playset of Wraths... They would get used, honestly... I play enough white... but gods, so expensive... although if I picked up one every so often, instead of buying other cards... hm... 10, I would pay, easy... Miyah, anyway, it's all random...

Posted by poetfox at December 8, 2004 12:03 AM


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