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November 16, 2004

When Gamertransgirls write for pr0nsites...

So Mama's supposedly currently drawing ANOTHER picture of me... goodness... Apparently her picture of me with the DS was really really popular. And she sees a market for Gamer Furry Girl softcore porn? Something like that. In any case, she's making a site now, and if I had to guess at the address it would be that, which is going to be like a big all night gamin' underwear party.
Point is, I think I'm one of the main attractions. Goodness... heh... But yeah, I'll link again when it's actually up and I actually know the address... it'll have me ranting about games with pictures of me in my underwear, I guess. *blinks* Not for kids, that's for sure.
And that'll be two furry porn sites with pictures of furryme on them. Whoo?
Mom is threatening evil if I don't attempt to join the paper at school. I really don't want to, but whatever. It's not worth having to fight over... I'll talk to Dustin-san and see if he can hook me up or not. If he can't, well, less work for me! But seriously, tha'll be project number three that will require writing alot for it... (1 being Poetfox.com, if I ever get off my ass, and 2 being that abovementioned site, cause it needs a constant diet of gamerrants, which I'm full of, of course.)
And tommorow, I have to write a big Japanese essay! Yay! And stuff! Yay! And then Friday is Unhinged draft of AWESOME! And then Sunday... well, Sunday is DS joygasm day.
Jonathan is doing the Kairos. Hope he enjoys himself.

Posted by poetfox at November 16, 2004 09:26 PM


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