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November 27, 2004

What the hell do I want for Chrissymas???

I managed to get a list to my Grandmother, and of those items I will enjoy, but for my mom? I have no clue!! What in the world should I ask for, I wonder...
Yeah, alot of things have been happening that I haven't written about. Here's a quick rundown.
Unhinged Draft: We started hella late, so we didn't get to finish it, but I had a blast! Not to mention I got most of the rares at the table, and I'm sure I can steal Essner's, too, without much complaint from him. I also learned that I'm pretty good at holding my breath, as I won every single Mouth to Mouth contest I played. I also learned that, no matter how cost-effective Working Stiff is, he sucks balls to play. I kept hoping he'd fall to my Zzzyxas's Abyss so I could put my arms down...
Also, as it's thanksgiving weekend, I did some free drafting on MTGO. First draft I kicked ASS in, although it was mainly due to ing up Kokusho the Evening Star every single game. I barely lost the second round. Barely. And got away with a ton of rares. ^_^ Second draft didn't go as well, though. I didn't draft as many rares (not to mention two of them I did draft was the piece of crap Vassal's Duty and the constantly opened crap rare of the set, Part the Veil, which, honestly, is more useful than the piece of shit Duty) and the rares I opened weren't bombs, but utility... (The pretty cool Journeyer's Kite and the interesting Konda's Banner... I forget the other one I opened. Oh yeah, Dosan, the Falling Leaf.) In any case, that draft didn't get me far, and I died. But I also took the time to build an interesting deck utilizing the wondrous interaction with Wicked Akuba and Nature's Will, which loses alot but is pretty fun to play. I also picked up playsets of those too uber for words utility cards Sakura-Tribe Elder and Kodama's Reach. Anyway, enough about Magic.
Seriously, though, what do I want for Chrissymas from my mother? She wants to buy me shoes... fuck that, I have shoes, and she wouldn't pick out shoes I'd like... she'd get all manly shoes and I'd hate them. No, I need to think of something to ask her for... think, Alex, think...
Oh, I also got Mario 64 DS. The gameplay still holds up after all this time, and it's almost amazing. ^_^ Jonathan is getting into it more than me... heh... but I'm glad I picked it up. Gives me something to do on my DS until Chrissymas shows up on the scene.
Games I could ask my mom for...
Final Fantasy I and II: Dawn of Souls (But I'm already getting Chain of Memories...)
Sid Meier's Pirates! (Probably shouldn't. As cool as this game is, I know it'll get easily lost in all the other games I'd get. EASILY.)
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
World of Warcraft (I'm getting myself really pumped about it... I still don't know if I'll give it enough playtime, but I sorta want to... I bet I would if Draco-kun was planning on playing... I know he got in on the Beta... hmm... it would be nice to have something like that to do together... heh... and plus, Jonathan and I could play with each other, too, if we both got separate copies. That's sorta spiffy.)
Oh, and the Murder Mystery Dinner is go, for people that it concerns. Be prepared.
Um, that's all for now... gotta think...

Posted by poetfox at November 27, 2004 02:44 PM


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