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November 21, 2004
Someone has a DS in her happy little paws!
So, um... I got a DS. WHEEEEEEE!
Seriously, though, Feel the Magic is as wonderful as I thought it would be. And perhaps it's just because I suck, but I keep getting stuck, unable to beat some minigames, too... heh... probably the suck thing. I was happy to remember that I had two of the GBA games that unlock things, ChuChu Rocket and Puyo Pop, so I stuck those in and got one of those crazy Puyohats as well as nIght's hat from nIghts into Dreams. Purdy Spiffy, although the whole thing makes me wish I had wasted the cash on Space Channel 5 GBA, just so I could unlock the hardcore Ulala hair.
The Thumbnubbin', as Gabe over on Penny Arcade called it, takes alot of getting used to. I played a bit of the Hunters demo, and I really was barely getting movement down by the end of it. Hopefully if I pick up Super Mario 64 DS at some point, that'll help me get aquainted with that style of play more. I'm sure it'll end up being used in alot of games.
Also, I dunno what you heard, but the DS is heavy. Not heavyheavy, but if you're playing a stylus-based game, you will have to take a break for the non-stylus using wrist to recover every so often.
Also, the stylus is HELLA tiny. I want one more pencil-sized... I considered finding on of my old Palm Pilot Styli and trying it out, but I don't want it hurting the screen because it's pointier or something, especially with all the rubbin' I keep doing in Feel the Magic. I'd buy a bigger one, if they get put on the market for like... 5 bucks for 3? Even if I have to keep it separate in my pocket and thus be prone to losing it more, I bet it would be more comfortable.
All in all, though, I'm pretty happy with it, thus far. I just hope they take it to its maximum potential. Things the DS NEEDS to do: 1) Get on the internet. I mean, seriously, it needs to. Animal Crossing DS would be the PERFECTforerunner for DS internet. I hope to gods it utilizes it. 2) Something hella cool! Feel the Magic shows off the weird things that just the stylus and mic can do, but, as much as I love it, in the end, it's just a bunch of minigames. The DS needs a killer app and fast, before the PSP rapes it in the behind. Even if the PSP can only be played for like... 2 minutes, if it's two minutes of a game everyone and their mother wants, it'll sell. 3) Bring out Jam with the Band in America! Okay, so it doesn't HAVE to do that, but dammit, I want it. The DS is region free, I'm seriously thinking of importing it with Chrissymas cash, if I don't hear any reports of it being even vaguely scheduled before then. It'll help me practice my Kana and it's not like the game is an RPG or anything. I'm sure I'll be able to figure everything out fine, even without being able to read it. The song editor might cause a few problems, but other than that? I'll be fine.
Anyway, DS. I have one. Rock on. That was the last of my big purchases before Chrissymas, so let's hope it lasts me (with a small supliment of Mario 64 DS or FF1&2)
Posted by poetfox at November 21, 2004 05:07 PM
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