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November 18, 2004

Procrastination from Japanese Paper Entry

I. Need. To. Finish. This. Paper. Not. Blog. Ack! *falls over*
My inability to do involved homework as of late sorta scares me.
I bought this big Kero-chan doll yesterday. It made evil Cardcaptors noises, so I seriously went in and cut the soundmaker out through the little hole for replacing the batteries. Whoo! The best part, though, was the $2.60 price tag. Go team! Go clearance sale! He looks quite cute, sitting on my headboard of my bed.
Tommorow is the draft, hopefully. I wonder if the parents know I'm planning on doing it over here. I wonder. It should BLOW MY MIND, though! Just like that Just Another AEther Vortex thing in Goltiebb's column today. BLOW MY MIND!
I still need to call people. Shite.
But seriously, this paper? Should be writing it. It's not that hard. I doubt I'll get many points taken off if it sucks hardcore. The main thing is that I have to do it.
I am positive Bucchiet and Essner don't think I'll do it. MUST PROVE THEM WRONG!
But beh, I just want to play Shadow Hearts. And play with Draco. And stuff.
Okay, enough whatever, it's PAPER TIME!!!!! Or something.

Posted by poetfox at November 18, 2004 08:13 AM


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