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November 08, 2004
poetfox, Rub Rabbit.
Whee, I just checked prices on DS games, and, somehow, they're selling for $30! That's great news, especially with the whole overdraw fee thing... Also, alot of the kickass games are, according to EBgames.com, shipping on the 10th of January. The timing for that is wonderfully awesome, as I'm sure around then or a bit after I'm going to start needing new portables, since the new semester will be starting. Hardcore. With that is Animal Crossing DS, which, I hope to god, will rock as much as I want it to. Also supposedly shipping then is Wario Ware DS, which WILL rock as much as I hope, no question. ^_^
I want to be a Rub Rabbit! *falls over*
I'm going to reserve and pay off Feel the Magic XY/XX today. Then I can just pick them (The game and my DS) up when they come in! I have enough pocket cash to pull this off, I was suprised to note today. And then, if, after overdraw fees and Unhinged boxes I still have enough for Super Mario 64 DS, then rock on. Otherwise, I'll get it after my next paycheck. ^_^
Also, I was planning on doing our little Unhinged draft on the Saturday after the set comes out, but apparently they seem to be having POST-release tourneys on that Saturday. More information will appear on the website soon, I'm sure, but that's interesting... I wonder what we'll do. On one hand, I want to do it! On the other hand, Unhinged is a jokey fun set, and I know I'd enjoy it more in the company of close friends. It might be best just to have our own little postrelease party here. And then, later... BACKDRAFT! Holy crepe, that's going to be cool. I'm going to create one badass Unhinged deck, seriously. ^_^
...Draco-kun, if you're reading this... I thought about it more... and... I do mean it... heh... who knows what will happen, but I do.
Um, if you aren't Draco, just pretend you didn't read that part. ^_^ Eh heh...
Posted by poetfox at November 8, 2004 11:15 AM
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