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November 03, 2004
Penny Arcade Owes Me a Piece of Gum
So I was reading Penny Arcade today and I leaned back a bit to laugh... and I swallowed my gum. Damn you, Penny Arcade, for being so damn funny! There was still plenty of flavor left in that piece! You owe me a piece of gum! Bastards.
Hey, here's some good news for people like myself. Sony is working on an MMORPG for the PSP! Hopefully it'll be worth shite, and it's obviously only in the very very very early stages of development, but a portable MMORPG is on my "dream list" of games. Other games on this list include my Music Game MMORPG, which, if it ever came out, would probably mean you'd never see me again, and a really good, possibly online, turn-based PC strategy game that runs in a window. It can't be hard to make something similar but more in-depth than Advance Wars on the PC, it seriously can't! (Not that I'm dissing Advanced Wars. It's basically exactly as complicated as it needs to be... really simple for new players to comprehend, but with enough strategy that you don't mind continuing to play. But such an online PC game could stand to be much deeper, because you aren't going to be forcing your non-gamer friend to play One-system Multiplayer during a long car ride because you're bored.)
I voted yesterday. I felt like I shouldn't have, because I was far from informed, but hey, at least I was involved. But the part of the election that really pissed me off was that 9 states had gay marriage bans passed at the same time. The bitches. Why did they have to be dumb like my stupid state? Maybe I'll move to Vermont, cause they have Civil Unions. They have their heads on straight.
The thing I don't get is WHY NOT? Why in the world is it bad for gay people to marry? I can think of no sane reason why it would be bad that doesn't involve a religious stance, and fuck, we're supposed to have a separation of church and state, so that shouldn't be an issue. If it's something stupid with paperwork and money, just up the price of a gay marriage license. I'd hope gay couples would be more than happy to pay a bit more in exchange for the right...
Seriously, though, if you can think of a non-religious reason why gay marriage is a bad idea, I'd honestly like to hear it. I'll still think gay marriage is something that should happen, but at least I'll feel I'll understand why all these states are writing bans into their stupid constitutions.
Anyway, I suppose I should get back to work now. Whoo.
Posted by poetfox at November 3, 2004 01:29 PM
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