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November 23, 2004
Meh... I feel like CRAP! The shower helped though...
I'm currently going through and rating stuff on Amazon? Why? Cause I think it's pretty interesting that it actually suggests stuff I own or would like to own with what little input I'm giving it. So I'm giving it more input, then it can make better suggestions! Hopefully, anyway. It suggests alot of synthy J-poppy bands... makes me wonder if I should give them a go, heh.
And hey, now that I clicked that I liked a manga, holy shit, it's suggesting alot, and I'm trying to weed through it. Heh. Giving all CLAMP stuff SUPER RATINGS! Heh. ^_^
But yeah, today's not feeling like a good one thus far... icky feeling... need sleep... suppose it's all my fault, the sleep thing, but still...
I beat Feel the Magic, so now I get to work through a hard mode? Whee? I want to unlock more Maniac costumes, cause I don't really have a good selection. I'd like to be able to play dressup... heh...
Need to call people about the draft... Unhinged gets drafted TOMMOROW! Whooo!
But yeah, I'm going to go rest before I go to work... ickyfeeling... meh.
Posted by poetfox at November 23, 2004 10:42 AM
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