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November 01, 2004

Golden-Tail's Samurai Boot Camp (Changing Foxies into Samurai since 1946)

My fox tribal deck doesn't really win often, honestly, but it is alot of fun to play. (And I need a name for the mofo, dammit! Something incredibly awesome.. meh, I dunno...) It does everything I want a deck to do. It has lifegain (Pious Kitsune + Eight-and-a-half-Tails), it has enchanting (Serra's Embrace, Unquestioned Authority, Indomitable Will, and Kistune Mystic to benefit), it has... foxes. It's got it all! I want to make it more effective, though, but I'm having problems... for it to be legal in the Tribal format, 1/3 of the deck has to be creatures of the same time (aka 20) and I have exactly 20 foxes in there right now. Every time I try to fix it, I go something like this...
"Well, I suppose I could lose one copy each of Eight-and-a-half-Tails and Sensei Golden-Tail, since I tend to have one sitting in my hand doing nothing most games... but wait, if I take them out, I no longer have a full tribe."
The deck could use Disenchants (Or it's good removefromgame buddy, Altar's Light) and creature removal (I'm running a couple Pacifisms at the moment, but something more like Chastise would actually be better... it's just, in a pinch, I can flip Kitsune Mystic with a Pacifism). The deck also, for no apparent reason, keeps getting Mana screwed. Nothing in the stuipid deck costs over 2WW. Nothing. And yet I constantly get stuck at three mana. I'm running 22 Plains. I even threw in 2 Sensei's Divining Tops to try to smooth my draws into land, but I'm still getting Mana screwed. It's really quite silly. As fun as the tops are, though, they're not helping me, or so it feels, so I'll probably drop them for some removal next time I play. But seriously, how could the deck keep getting Mana screwed? I mean, yes, I normally run about 24 lands, but again, NOTHING OVER 2WW! NOTHING OVER 4!
Here, from memory, is the build. Supposedly you can now dump this into a text file if, for some crazy reason, you wanted to play this deck and then open it with MTGO. I haven't tried it, meself, but the website says it's true. Oh, and I have a playset of every fox now, besides Samurai of the Pale Curtian. It's a damn, damn good card, and I will eventually have a playset, but it wasn't a high priority because I had 2 drops completely covered by my two legends.
Creatures (24)
4x Eight-And-A-Half-Tails
4x Sensei Golden-Tail
4x Pious Kistune
4x Kitsune Blademaster
2x Kitsune Healer
2x Kitsune Mystic/Autumn-Tail, Kistune Sage
3x Devoted Retainer
1x Takeno, Samurai General

Other Spells (14)
3x Serra's Embrace
4x Indomitable Will
3x Unquestioned Authority
2x Sensei's Divining Top
2x Pacifism

Lands (22)
22x Plains

Posted by poetfox at November 1, 2004 11:32 AM


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