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November 19, 2004
DS Stuffies
So yeah, I just read IGN's Feel the Magic review, and to it, I say "Blah blah blah I know all that." It didn't get a wonderful score, really. But it says it's an experiment, in the vien of Space Channel 5 and the like, and I know that. I know the game is going to be short. I know the replay value is going to be limited. I know all these things. Blah blah blah. But just the image style... gods, the whole thing has style! That's what drew me to it in the first place! I'm not going to regret spending money on it, that's for sure. It'll be short and sweet, but holy shit, how sweet it will be. Plus, I gotta help send the message to Sega that it needs to keep creating and trying stuff like this! Cause they do. ^_^
Yesterday, I also went to the mall, and they had the DS demo systems up! WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOO! I had fun. ^_^ There's even two of them, so if you go to check the demo systems out, bring a friend to play some wireless Hunters Deathmatch. ^_^ The game feels so spiffy... I really can't wait to have my own. You really have to have the screens at the right angle to your face, though... the stand it was bolted to was quite low, and I had to sorta lean my entire upper body back to see Hunters, since it's a pretty dark game to begin with and looking at the wrong angle makes it darker. But it controls like a dream, personally, with the stylus, and I know it's going to be even more intuitive with that silly thumbstrap thing. I tried using my thumb without it, but that was no go. Thumb wouldn't slide AND keep enough pressure for it to sense. The only thing about the control scheme that will get some getting used to is the fact that you have to doubletap the touch screen to jump. That's a bit weird. But I'm sure it'll work. The other thing I was happy to see was that in the control menu, you had the option of a control scheme that didn't use the touch screen at all, except for weapon changes and going into Morph Ball. Sure, your aim is going to suck using the control pad instead of the analogness of the touch screen, but it's going to fee more intuitive to some people so I'm glad it's there.
I played with Pictochat a little too. It has a full japanese character set. Heehee. Good to know I'll be able to Pictochat with people in Japan, if I ever take my DS over there.
Anyway, those are some thoughts by me. We'll see how joygasmic it all is when I get the system and Feel the Magic on Sunday. I'll probably use the payback money from the draft (Which, I believe, has been moved to Wednesday Night, so we can get a full group) to get Super Mario 64 DS, as well, since that'll be a bit more lasting. Surely that'll entertain me most of the way to Chrissymas. I'm hoping anyway. And if not, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories or FF 1 and 2 will be there to pick up the slack.
Oh, and at some point, I'm going to put my Chrissymas gaming list up here. It would be for the parents, although I doubt they'd look at it. But oh well.
Posted by poetfox at November 19, 2004 11:12 AM
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