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October 17, 2004
The Masta, The Masta, is orginial! Hai! Kickpunch style is unforgettable!
Hey, that title has nothing to do with anything! Cool!
Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only person who sees a market for indepth computer games that play in a window. I so desperately want a game along those lines! Something like a fairly deep strategy game, perhaps turnbased and online, or a MMORPG with only quasigood graphics but hardcore gameplay mechanics... something that sorta looks like Ragnarok only is pretty well not Ragnarok, cause I didn't like that game much. Perhaps something more along the lines of Diablo 2 combined with FFXI, where you'd move around with mouseclicks, but the battles themselves would be done with keyboard or menu commands. But it wouldn't even have to be online, this game. Just an ingaging game that runs in a window. That's all I want.
You'd think someone would think that's a good idea, wouldn't you...? The main reason I DON'T play more games on the computer is because when I play them, they use up the full screen and I no longer have access to AIM, MSN, and the like. Surely there are plenty of gamers about that don't want to be without their contact lists either! With games in windows, that wouldn't be an issue. It would be insanely easy to alt-tab over. Another possibility would be integrating AIM or something into your game. That's something I'm actually sorta suprised that the people that make messenger programs haven't been working for. That just makes sense to me, especially within an MMORPG or the like, where the whole reason that people keep playing is for something to do while chatting with friends. Why not let them play while chatting with friends OUTSIDE the game, too? It could only add to the time people play such things.
But seriously, it really feels like I'm the only person who wants such features in my PC games. Perhaps that's why I don't play many games on my computer. *shrugs*
End rant.
Posted by poetfox at October 17, 2004 01:47 PM
..you mean.. they make games that aren't in windows? ..that's just.. awful o.o
(*not a gamer* ;.; )
Posted by: Togi at October 21, 2004 02:54 PM
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