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October 30, 2004

Some Random Lists

Playsets of Foxes on Magic Online Status:
Kitsune Diviner: 5 of 4
Kitsune Riftwalker: 4 of 4
Kitsune Healer: 4 of 4
Pious Kitsune: 4 of 4
Kitsune Blademaster: 4 of 4
Samuari of the Pale Curtian: 0 of 4
Kitsune Mystic/Autumn-Tail, Kitsune Sage: 4 of 4
Sensei Golden-Tail: 4 of 4
Eight-And-A-Half-Tails: 1 of 4
(Doin' pretty good. 8.5 Tails is expensive, but checking Gathering Ground, it isn't the fake price inflation that happens on MTGO, so I'm eventually going to shell out the cash. I've spent about 15 bucks so far aquiring them all. That's really not that bad. (I also had a big auction thing where I caught the 8.5 with some other awesome rares... Night Dealings... Takeno... Tatsuma... and there was one more I can't recall at the moment, but it was a solid rare. Since 8.5 is about... 4 tickets, I basically got one rare for free, and I bet Takeno is selling for two. It was a good deal.) Now I just need my utility commons and Nagao, Bound By Honor, and my Fox Tribal deck will be complete! (It plays off of Sensei Golden-Tail alot, so it's really more like a Fox Samurai deck, since, hopefully, when I play it, every Fox will eventually become a Samurai. Heh.))
Games I want that are coming out between now and Chrissymas:
Mario Power Tennis (Seriously, this is going to rock my multiplayer-lovin' face. But I'm probably going to request it for Chrissymas)
Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door (I might rent it and beat it, like I did the original. But damn, it's going to be a ride when I do.)
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (I will buy this, I mean, I will. But since FF 1 and 2 comes out first, and that's going to entertain me for awhile, it probably won't be until after Chrissymas when I go and purchase it. And if I get it for Chrissymas, then so much the better.)
Final Fantasy 1 and 2: Dawn of Souls (See, told you I want FF1 and 2! Heh. I never really played through them, and with them finally on a handheld I'll take the time to do it. White Mage 2 Red Mage and a Warrior party, anyone?)
Guilty Gear Isuka (I might break down and buy this, it's going to be cheap.. but Bridget wants to get out there and kick some ass again!)
Technic Beat (Quirky music game for $15? I'm so fucking there!)
Feel the Magic: XY/XX (Too quirky and with too oddawesome of a soundtrack to pass up playing on my new DS (Which I paid off today! Huzzah!))
Super Mario 64 DS (I liked it better when it was named Super Mario 64x4, personally. But seriously, who doesn't remember Mario 64 and get happy happiness flowing through their body? Remixed portable version with more levels and odd Stylus minigames? I'm there.)
Top 10 things I will do if Jam With the Band does not come out in America:
10. Frown
9. Yell
8. Fume
7. Rant
6. Curse
5. Destroy
4. Rampage
3. Doom
2. Crotchkick
1. Kill
Perhaps more lists to come, if I feel like listing. For now, though, It's time for the HALLOWEEN GAME!

Posted by poetfox at October 30, 2004 05:49 PM


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