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October 16, 2004
Shopping about 18 hours a day... you'll find me at thrift shops and on ebay!
Meh, I always feel so restless on weekends... I wish I had something decently entertaining to work on, but I dunno... I just don't feel like I do. I don't feel like I have any games worthy of my attention (which is a blatant lie, Shadow Hearts still has plenty of gameplay hours left in it, but I don't wanna play it... dunno why...) and I don't have anyone to talk to or anything to do, really... I don't know... I wish there was a decent music game for the PC... with a song editor... do you know how entertained I would be by such a thing? Especially if it ran in a window? Holy crap, I would throw cash down for such a program without a moment's hesitation.
Whoo! My check is already in my account! I could waste more money, if I wanted! I shouldn't, but I could! Hot damn!
Jessica called me again this morning, and that was nice. Heh. Apparently she had car problems, which was not nice for her, though, but um, hey, at least I got to talk to her for awhile. She mentioned wanting to take trips to St. Louis to shop... I miss shopping with Natalie... it's one of the biggest things I miss... it was so much fun, just buying stuff and not worrying about it and just... wandering about holding hands and having fun... and I don't really have anyone to do that with anymore (minus the holding hands, that could get weird... eh heh... ^_^)... and I'm going to start taking regular trips to St. Louis once I get an appointment made (Yeah, I haven't done that yet, I suck at calling people... I'm setting a promise to myself right now: If I haven't made such a phone call a week from now, I'm doing it then. Next Saturday. There, now it'll hopefully get done... help me keep the promise, hm?)... and it would be nice to have someone to go with me, at least the first time, where I'd be nervous as all get out... they'd have to kinda... sit around for probably an hour or so... my passenger... but... I dunno. Heh. Just an idea, the whole thing. Maybe she'd like to keep me company... and then afterwards we could attack the kickasscool mall I haven't been to in awhile... eat at Saruku Japan... and... um... stuff. Heh.
...I think I figured out where Draco and I stand last night... heh... I'm happy about it, too... ^_^ He... I really feel like he gets me... or at least the weirdness mebeingagirl par, at the very least... and he's just... nice and... meh, I can't say it this is a quasivisible site, heeheee... but in any case, I'm happy.
I really don't think there are enough music games. I know I'm a whore to the genre (Except DDR... for some reason, I've never been able to get excited about the biggest name in the whole thing... I think beacuse people who play it play it so hardcore, I feel embarrassed trying to get good at it. Heh. ^_^) but seriously, surely there isn't enough? I mean, I'm pumped about Technic Beats, which is a game I didn't even know is coming out, but is a music game and seems to be a weird combination of music and puzzle genres, with a puzzlegameesque combo system, which will surely rock my world at its budget price of $15, and Jam With the Band, on the DS, will be insanely awesome if it really does have all the features I'm hearing it has (The hardcore multiplayer, even with just one cartridge, and the full song editor... I'm not sure about the song editor, I've not heard alot about it... I hope to gods its there, though... I would never go anywhere without the game if that was the case.), but other than that... I dunno of any other hardcore music games on the horizon. I suppose I should be happy with those two... I dunno. *shrugs* I hope Jam With The Band does well over here, so a sequal will hopefully be created and eventually translated. Heh.
Anywho... Jonathan seems restless too, and is, of course, complaining that I'm not inviting my friends over. *rolls his eyes* He has friends too. Friends he is seeing Rocky Horror with tonight. (I'm, honestly, sorta feeling tempted to join them. Dunno why, honestly. I suppose I wanna give it another try, I've matured alot in certian ways since I first saw it, and I think I'd get more out of it now.) I think I'm going to go to Plainswalkers, though, and see what singles they have for my Enchantress deck. (It's in the archives, somewhere, if you wanna see the thing) So, um, bye.
Posted by poetfox at October 16, 2004 02:14 PM
Ah, Alex.. don't wait until Saturday to call.. maybe Friday.. o.o (it just seems risky to try to call a business on the weekend o.o)
Good luck, though!
Posted by: Togi at October 16, 2004 06:18 PM
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