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October 02, 2004

Seriously, I really am sad...

Just sitting around, waiting with nothing to do, knowing damn well he's not going to contact me tonight either... *sighs*
We did some fatpack sealed deck action today to warm us up for the draft tommorow (Okay, tecnhically today, but I'm posting at 12:20 AM, so just work with me here). Let me just say this. When I saw Sensei's Divining Top, I knew it was good. But I never really understood how good it was until I got to play with it. Holy. Shit. It's like, for a 2 mana investment every turn, you get to draw whatever card you want from the top three cards of your library. It's fucking crazy! They were really seriously pushing it putting that card at uncommon! It may be just slightly too slow for tourney play, however, although I can't believe I'm saying that because the card is fucking insane. But I'd think that that two mana a turn investment, while completely and utterly worth it for casual Johnnies like me, would really slow down a fast paced tourney-level monstrosity.
But seriously, though, the fucker is an UNCOMMON! If I open one in the draft, I'm seriously going to consider passing the rare for it... I should really try to get Jonathan on one of my sides so I feel better not raredrafting certian things. Heh.
Anywho... I'm a very sad little person, waiting for him like that... (Why am I suddenly so obsessed with talking to him? Thursday I was all wondering if I really did feel anything for him at all, and now I'm all upset because I haven't spoken to him in two days. I'm such a loser...) so I guess I'll go to bed... Yeah. Leave shiny new comments, or something, cause hot damn, I made the comments work.

Posted by poetfox at October 2, 2004 12:27 AM


Hey... stop that, I said! :D I told you that I would talk to you when we couldn't get in touch any other way, remember? I'm sorry that I didn't do this sooner, but... well... sorry. I like your site; I hope that you will forgive me for not commenting on it before; but hey, didn't you just get this thing working!? XD I'll seeya soon, hopefully. ... And stop being sad, alright?

Posted by: DracosBlackwing [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 3, 2004 07:06 PM

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