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October 05, 2004
Other stuff I didn't mention because I was rantyannoyed...
Holy shite, the Interactive Fiction Competition has started! I want to judge the mofo! Best get playing on those tonight... you should too, IF is all old school creative textual fun.
Also, Droid had been building to this big suprise. I thought that, in no way, was his suprise going to be worth the hype. However, it was. Holy shite! It was the "Songs from the House" terrible Monster House soundtrack! INSANE! Awesome in a sad way! I'm happy.
And I have no clue what to get for my mom's birthday. I've also forgotten the exact date of her day of birth, which could be useful and I should attempt to remind myself today.
And that's it. Go about your business.
Posted by poetfox at October 5, 2004 10:53 AM
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