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October 29, 2004

One Truth Prevails...

Detective Conan really is a fairly entertaining show. They come up with very interesting mystery scenarios that actually could work, if people actually planned murders that far in advance that often. I enjoy it. Not about to go fanatical about it, but I'm certianly not changing the channel when it comes on.
My card pool for the online prerelease isn't all that amazing. I'm going to play my games tommorow. Hopefully I'll do well. I'd really like that Eight-and-a-half-tails Avatar...
The game is tommorow! (Since I'm posting this after midnight) I really don't feel like we're prepared, but oh well, we're doing it anyway! I hope it goes well.
Um, this has been a quick update from magicblogupdatetime. Huzzah.

Posted by poetfox at October 29, 2004 12:43 AM


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