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October 01, 2004
New Site Feature Active!
Hey, lookie down there. I got comments working. Huzzah! If you're like... the one singluar person who was wishing they could comment on my stupid blog, hey, now's your chance! Go crazy!
(Edit: Holy crap, Mama posted the comics with me in them on VCL... So... embarrassing... and yet still kinda flattering... goodness...)
(Editedit: Some more new cards up over at the Inside Joke page... Levi is probably going to have to be powered down a bit, probably with some tapping involved and some extra mana on his second ability... And I did make the stupid midgame mulligan card, though I don't have a picture so it's not there yet, but I made it a "Legendary Instant," which is a new rule I just decided I should impliment. A legendary Instant or Sorcery is limited to only one copy in any deck (It's sorta like how Legendary anything else can only have one copy in play, only since Instants and such never really get into play, you can only have one copy in your minddeckthing... sorta makes sense) I'll have to think about how I can impliment that a bit more.)
Posted by poetfox at October 1, 2004 08:57 AM
Whee.. does it really work now? ^.^
Let's see.. there's nothing to comment about, though.
Oh.. on your marquee, you should change it to something more like..
..so that it stops scrolling when you hover on it. o.o
Posted by: Togi at October 1, 2004 10:03 AM
[marquee onMouseover="this.scrollAmount=0"
test test
Posted by: Togi at October 1, 2004 10:05 AM
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