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October 04, 2004
Seriously, what is my problem... I really need to...
I've got to tell my parents... and I have to do it soon... I've said it so often, I know... but it's the truth... I need to get out of the stupid closet so I don't feel haunted by the simple facts of who I am...
Do I set it up? Do I plan it all in advance? Or do I just wing it and try to be as sincere as I can be? Do I wait until I find a situation where I feel close enough to them to talk about it, or do I ask to talk and say it? How the fuck does one do something like this...
But I know I'm tired of it. I'm so very tired of it all...
National Coming Out Day is October 11... I thought it was in November... maybe I should do it then... or promise myself to have it done by then... maybe... but that's right around my mom's birthday, too... that's a nice birthday present... *sighs...*
Fuck, I need to get some guts and just do it. Goodness.
Posted by poetfox at October 4, 2004 01:01 AM
Well, my suggestion is to kind of set it up; feel them out on the subject, and don't just say, 'I'm this way' or 'I'm that way'. Tell them how you feel and let them know that you aren't happy or comfortable with things as they are. Try to see if they will understand before you spring it on them. They might know more about it than you think...
And for all the gods' sake, don't spring it on them out of the blue anywhere near your mother's birthday, or you're gonna regret it! Trust me on that one.
Posted by: DracosBlackwing at October 4, 2004 09:28 PM
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