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October 21, 2004
It all started when we first met and strapped on our guitars...
That vortex of intrigue, HiHi PuffyAmiYumi, actually has something on it now, be best part being the three full PuffyAmiYumi songs that stream in the back if you turn them on. I like the theme song. Heh. And the video of the opening sequence is pretty spiffy. It has potential, but will it be funny? Goodness, I hope so, I'm sorta pumped about it. I'm down with the art-direction, and the musicness is nice, but it will, of course, be the humor that sells it. I hope they go with a quirky Japanese style humor instead of just making it a normal silly cartoon...
Holy crepe, I want those pants Ami is wearing in the Teen TItan theme videothing. Those are awesome.
I also finally stole Pressure Thief from one Matthew Buchhiet. I also got a wee bit of Modest Mouse out of the deal, but I haven't listened to that yet. Pressure Thief, though, is overall solid... but as you may or may not know, I tend to repeat songs I love endlessly, and the only song so far I've found that I can do that with on the album is Carbon Monoxide. Which is, you know, unfortunate. But I'm sure at least one other favorite will pop up with continued listening.
I'm seriously going to do the whole web serial thing. Might take awhile to be set up, but it's going to be over at poetfox.com, cause hell, it's open! I'm going to gank up the name as soon as I'm on and Droid is online to help me. I think my blog will forever be here, though, just because getmeoutofthis.net is marginally witty and it's the blogtastic blogfest! I mean, come on! I might change my e-mail to poetfox@poetfox.com however... repetition! Woo! And alot less letters to remember than getmeoutofthis.net. In any case, it'll happen. Whee. For my vision of the layout for the serial page, I'm going to need a picture of chibifurryme... maybe I'll commission Mama...
But um, yeah, I think I'll shower now.
Edit: I made a terrible coming soon page for the domain when I get it... heh... take a look if you want. It shows off my mad cheapscanner (aka Digital Camera) skillz, as well as why I'm not making a webcomic, because I cannot draw worth crepe. You also get to see my thumb. Damn, I'm good. And, um, you can't click on it yet, cause that's directly to the picture file. But goodness, you obviously know how to get to the Blogfest, yeah?
Posted by poetfox at October 21, 2004 09:31 AM
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