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October 10, 2004
Happy Fun Rock Band Cartoon Invasion
Seriously, I am so intrigued by this. I think intrigued is the only adequate word I can use. It's like a vortex of intrigue, just like that vortex of hip, the Spiral. Holy crap, I should made The Spiral a legendary land in the inside joke set, even if it's only an inside joke between Jonathan and me. I wonder what it should do... intriguing.
Okay, so I really want to do the Interactive Fiction Competition thingy, but I used the randomizer program to figure out what games I should play in what order, and the first game was seriously so boring that it turned me off. It was so old school... I haven't been playing IF since its origins in Zork and stuff, but goodness, I think the genre should have evolved beyond descriptions like "A cold store corridor reaches to the north and south. To the west, a door leads to the kitchen." Add that to the fact that there were like at least 6 rooms like that in the first bit of the game with only that last little bit changed to read "A door to the northwest leads to your quarters" or something and I just couldn't play the thing anymore. The game had no soul, no spark, no creative goodness. I guess I've just been spoiled from playing games of intense genius like Spider and Web, Photopia, Jigsaw (Which was very old school, but still had tons better descriptions, and the rooms mostly had a PURPOSE instead of just being something you had to traverse through. Surely there's a better way to make a castle seem big than to throw in a bunch of corridors that don't mean anything), and My Angel, which took a much more narritive approach to IF... they weren't hard (with the exception of Jigsaw... I don't see how ANYONE without waaaaaay too much time on their hands could beat that game without a walkthrough, it's fucking crazy, heh.) but they had soul, and that's what I want to see. I mean, I play Adventure games for the puzzles, sure, but the real thing that keeps me coming back is the humor or the setting or the characters, you know? Yeah...
And what am I going to do about Draco? Seriously.
Tommorow, I'm going to attempt to tell my parents... I'm already starting to feel nervous about it... wish me luck.
Posted by poetfox at October 10, 2004 01:36 PM
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