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October 29, 2004
I'm at the Elite Four in Leafgreen. I've done all the sidequests open to me. All three Legendary Birds belong to me. But I can't beat Loreli. I blame her enormus breasts on my failure. I mean, it couldn't be anything else except...
Except her Pokemon have 5 levels on mine. And I'm sure, by the time I reach my rival, (which I still find personally entertaining that I named him Matthew) that the Pokemon I'm facing will have 10 levels on my current party.
I don't like levelbuilding. I don't like fighting wild pokemon (or catching Pokemon I can't use... which made me sad when I learned I have to get 65 Pokemon in my Pokedex in order to get the Nationaldex and start the quest to unlock trading with Ruby/Sapphire. I want to steal Essner's Wynaut, dammit! So mean.) and I've beat down most trainers in the world, I think. I'll probably run around with the Vs. Seeker and kick the asses of people whose asses I've already kicked, but still... I'm not happy with it. Levelbuilding can't keep my interest... I at least need a goal, even something as sad as "You're walking over there and there's people to kill on the way!"
I don't normally trade in games, but I'm thinking about trading in my old original GBA (not my pretty pink SP) and three games to get 50 bucks off of my DS. THINKING. The system I don't mind parting with... if I can stand to part with three games, then that's another third of the system paid for, making sure I have cash for games for it... and for Unhinged cards. (WOOO! UNHINGED!) Advance Wars is one of those three. Since Advance Wars 2 is more like "Advance Wars expansion pack," parting with the original is no problem. I lose the original campaign, but I played through it like a million times and the second one's campaign is a bit more interesting anyway. Looking into my GBA game drawer, Tony Hawk 3 and Jet Grind Radio would be two and three (I LOVE Jet Grind Radio in general (Gods, the DC game is orgasmic!), but the perspective makes it too much work, same with Tony Hawk. They're both solid (THPS more than Jet Grind Radio) but I won't miss them in the least.)
Jam With The Band better come out over here, or I'm going to kill someone. Maybe even you.
The end. I'm going to see if the MTGO server is back up yet.
Posted by poetfox at October 29, 2004 06:31 PM
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