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October 05, 2004
And go, go, gogogogo kill yourself... muthafucka go...
Some people just don't get it, I suppose... I mean, I'm a completely huge hypocrite, basically... I believe that things will work out, that they'll get better... I try to be an optimist... but not five seconds later I'll fall into a depressed mess and basically thing my whole life is pretty pointless and isn't worth anything... I feel those depressing things, and I know that life, on a whole, is really stupid and pointless... but at least I want to make it stupid, pointless, and enjoyable... at least I look for the better, and try to make myself work to make things better...
Draco showed me this place which, on a whole, looks pretty nifty although I'm mainly just lurking because I always feel weird trying to cut in on people's conversations and such and become part of a group... but I am reading and following a couple of threads on there... and gods... this person just wants to squash the hope out of some potentially really depressed transpeople and it pisses me off... "either you pass or you die..." gods... I really wanted to bitch at her, but goodness, flaming on your 4th post on a place really isn't a good idea... *sighs*
Hey, at least it looks like the post that was severely pissing me off just go deleted by a mod or something... That's good, it was really inappropriate and had someone's picture posted, more than likely without permission, and insulted person in said picture as an example...
Meh, people on the internet can be so fucking stupid, I swear.
(And goodness, w.bloggar won't work worth crap with my blogserver anymore, and it's getting annoying... I like my little w.bloggar thing... for some reason, I'm going to blame my router, although I'm sure it's not it's fault this time. But my router is still a little bitch.)
Posted by poetfox at October 5, 2004 10:12 AM
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